Carta della settimana del 03/02/2013

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  1. D-Evil

    User deleted

    io scaverò un tunnel fino al cielo!
    se ci sara un ostacolo sulla mia strada, lo perforerò!
    finchè perforero, io sarò vittorioso!

    con chi credi di avere a che fare?



    Ciao a tutti come potete vedere ho iniziato la mia recensione di oggi con una bellissima parte dell'anime "tengen toppa gurren lagann" in quanto

    l'immagine della carta che vi sto per recensire secondo me e spudaratamente presa da questo anime.
    la carta di oggi e:

    Guerriero trapano/drill warrior


    nome: guerriero trapano/drill warrior
    Tipo: syncro
    codice: 03429238
    Stato nel TCG: unlimited
    Rarità: ultra/ultimate/super/raro

    Testo della carta:
    trapano synchron + 1 o piu mostri non tuner
    una volta per turno, durante la tua main phase, puoi dimezzare l'atk di questa carta (permanentemente). se lo fai, essa puo attaccare il tuo avversario direttamente in

    questo turno. una volta per turno, durante la main phase, puoi scartare una carta e rimuovere questa carta dal gioco. durante la tua prossima staanby phas, evoca

    specialmente questa carta, se è rimossa da questo effetto. poi, aggiungi 1 carta mostro dal tuo cimitero alla tua mano.

    testo inglese:
    "Drill Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.
    Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can halve this card's ATK (permanently). If you do, it can attack your opponent directly this turn. Once per turn, during

    your Main Phase, you can discard 1 card and remove this card from play. During your next Standby Phase, Special Summon this card, if removed by this effect. Then, add

    1 Monster Card from your Graveyard to your hand.

    TCG Rulings
    Adding 1 monster in the Graveyard to your hand is part of the Trigger Effect that Special Summons “Drill Warrior” during your Standby Phase.[1]
    Discarding 1 card and removing “Drill Warrior” from play are both part of the same Ignition Effect. Discarding the card is not a cost.[1]
    If you control your opponent’s “Drill Warrior” and remove it from play, it will be Special Summoned to its owner’s side of the field during the owner’s next Standby

    Phase and they will add a Monster Card to their hand.[1]
    Special Summoning “Drill Warrior” and adding 1 Monster Card to your hand do not happen at the same time. You Special Summon, then add the Monster Card to your hand.

    “Bottomless Trap Hole” cannot be activated.[1]
    You do not target the Monster Card, you return to your hand.[1]
    Even if you halve “Drill Warrior’s” ATK, you do not have to attack directly.[1]
    “Drill Warrior’s” ATK remains halved until “Drill Warrior” is removed from the field or flipped face-down.[1]

    OCG Rulings
    The effect of "Drill Warrior" which adds a card to your hand is resolved as the same effect which Special Summons the "Drill Warrior" which is removed from play.[3]
    You discard one card when resolving the effect of "Drill Warrior" which removes from play. It is not a cost to activate the effect.[3]
    The effect of "Drill Warrior" which removes it from play and the effect which Special Summons it are not treated as the same effect; "Drill Warrior" is not treated as

    being removed from play temporarily. Thus, if the effect of "Drill Warrior" removes it from play after control of it switches by an effect like "Mark of the Rose" or

    "Brain Control" or "Creature Swap", then "Drill Warrior" will be Special Summoned to its original owner's side of the field during its original owner's next Standby

    Phase, and its original owner adds a card from his Graveyard to his hand.[4]
    "Drill Warrior" is Special Summoned during the Standby Phase, and afterwards you add a card to your hand. The two are not treated as resolving simultaneously. Thus,

    "Bottomless Trap Hole" cannot be activated; you miss the timing since you add a card to your hand after "Drill Warrior" is Special Summoned.[5]
    The effect of "Drill Warrior" which halves its ATK gives it the ability to attack directly. The effect does not force "Drill Warrior" to attack directly during that

    turn's Battle Phase, so "Drill Warrior" can still attack a monster.[6]
    If "Drill Warrior" halves its ATK by its own effect, then its ATK remains halved as long as "Drill Warrior" remains face-up on the field. If "Drill Warrior" is flipped

    face-down or is removed from the field, then its ATK returns to the original amount.[7]
    If the activation of the effect of "Drill Warrior" which Special Summons it during the Standby Phase is negated by the effect of "Light and Darkness Dragon", then you

    cannot activate that effect of that "Drill Warrior" a second time during the same Standby Phase. Thus, "Drill Warrior" remains removed from play.[8]
    When resolving the "you can discard 1 card and remove this card from play" effect of "Drill Warrior", if you cannot discard from your hand - for example, you Chained

    "Full Salvo" - then you cannot remove from play "Drill Warrior". However, when resolving that effect, if "Drill Warrior" cannot be removed from play - for example,

    "Imperial Iron Wall" was Chained - then you still discard one card from your hand.[9]
    The resolution of "Drill Warrior" which removes it from play and the resolution which has you discard one card from your hand are considered to occur simultaneously.

    Thus, if you discard "Jinzo - Returner" with this effect, then you can Special Summon "Jinzo" from the Graveyard.[10]
    When resolving the effect of a removed-from-play "Drill Warrior" which Special Summons it, you can Special Summon "Drill Warrior" even if there are no monsters in your

    Graveyard. However, after Special Summoning "Drill Warrior" you cannot resolve the effect which adds a card from your Graveyard to your hand, so cards like "Bottomless

    Trap Hole" may be activated.[11]

    come potete vedere questa carta ha un unico lato negativo!il fatto che ha bisogno del drill synchron! aspetto pero totalmente trascurabile in quanto grazie al

    quickdraw syncron possiamo evocarlo con una rapidita disarmante!
    i suoi 2 effetti poi sono ottimi!
    il primo ci permette di fare danni randomici all'vversario senza incappa re in mostri coperti come ryko!
    il secondo ci permette di sistemare il cimiero con entrambi gli effetti! cioe ci permette di arrivare a 3 dark al cimitero per 1 dad, o savere 1 luce oscurita x bls! o

    per avere un syncro lv1 per la combo col junk syncron, riciclare appunto dad e bls o junk ecc
    senza contare che il fatto che non sia sulcampo nel turno dell'opponet lo protegge da carte come buco nero e compagnia e ci permette di giocare gorz in tutta

    tranquillità! insoma secondo me una carta veramente bella!

    ora vediamo una lista di mazzo come esempio:
    questa lista mel l'ha fornita sora che continua a giocare sto mazzo impuntato moto sul 4 fun!

    3x Junk syncrhron
    3x Quickdraw synchron
    3x Tuningware
    2x Level Eater
    3x Quillbolt Edgehog
    1x Unknown Synchron
    1x black luster soldier envoy of the beginning
    2x TG Werewolf
    1x Gorz
    3x Doppel Warrior
    1x Dandylion

    3x machine Duplication
    3x Tuning
    1x pot of avarice
    1x Heavy storm
    1x dark hole
    1x monster Reborn
    1x One for One
    1x reinforcement of the army

    2x trap Stun
    3x Reckless greed

    1x Drill Warrior
    1x Junk Warrior
    1x Junk Destroyer
    1x Road Warrior
    1x Librarian
    1x Formula
    1x Stardust
    1x Scrap
    1x Androide
    1x Black Rose
    X carte a caso

    come potete vedere questo mazzo ha una miriade di combo possibili! ve ne diro alcune!
    -quickdraw scartando dandylion e avremo il nostro drill warrior
    -junk synkron tira su tuner lv 1 e poi evoco doppel warrioir e avremo la combo librarian + formula e quindi pesco 2
    -junk syncron tiro su tuning ware, duplicazione su tuning ware e potremmo fare un junk destroyer che spacca 3 e peschiamo 3
    -quickdraw tolgo 1 livello per level eater ed evoco tg warwolf = junk destroyer che spacca 2
    e taante altr combo!
    insomma un mazzo veramente divertente che dovremmo provare tutti almeno 1 volta! per un po di partite veramente belle e ogni volta con una apertura diversa!

    e con questo è tutto per oggi!
    potete commentare QUI

    e spero che tutti voio abbiate gia visto tengen toppa gurren lagann! e se non l'avete fatto correte a vederlo perche è veramente epico!

    alla prossima ragazzi! buona nottee buone botte!!
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